Ben interviews Jr Black Belt Candidate Eli Eutsler
In this interview Mr Ferguson interviews 2021 Junior Black Belt Candidate, Competition Team Members, and Leadership Student Eli Eutsler. Eli was extremely shy when he started classes with us 4 years ago. Now he's an accomplished Karate Competitor winning his first Grand Championship a few months ago. We look forward to seeing all of the great things Eli will accomplish in and outside the dojo. -
Ben Interviews Miss Kendall
In this Episode of the Premier Martial Arts Fort Wayne Kids Corner Podcast Mr Ferguson interview Miss Kendall Martin. Kendall is an honors student in school, and at Premier Martial Arts she's a Leadership and Competition Team Member. Miss Kendall is also a Karate Champ! -
Ben Interviews Junior Black Belt and Karate Champ Rory Browder
Leadership Student and 2021 Black Belt Candidate Ben Ferguson interviews Ms Rory Browder, Junior Black Belt, Leadership Student, Mentor and Karate Champion. -
Mr Ferguson interviews Black Belt Candidate and Competition Team Captain Ms Singleton
Ben interviews Ms Christine! -
Sensei Kuhn interviews Ben!
In this PODCAST Sensei Kuhn interviews Ben Ferguson, 2021 Black Belt Candidate, Leadership Student and Competition Team Member. -
Respect! What is it and how do we show it?
In S1E2 Master Ron Kuhn discusses our Black Belt Excellence Series topic of Respect. What is it, and how do we demonstrate it? -
Ben Interviews Ms Branford (Black Belt and Program Director at Premier)
Ben Ferguson and Leadership student interviews Premier Martial Arts Fort Wayne Black Belt and Program Director Ms Jen Bradford. -
April 2021 – Positive Self-Image Black Belt Excellence Homework
In this Podcast Master Ron Kuhn discusses our April 2021 Black Belt Excellence Topic of Positive Self-Image. This is an extremely important concept for both children and adults. We talk to ourselves more than anyone else so having a positive self-image is key to future success and happiness. -
Girls and Do Karate Too!
In this Kids Corner Podcast Ben interviews one of Master Ron Kuhn longtime students and Junior Black Belt Gisele Kline. Gisele is a member of our Leadership and Competition Team Programs and started training when she was only 8! -
From Angry Youth to Martial Arts Teacher
In this episode of Premier Kids Corner Ben Ferguson interviews Sensei Lee Patterson. Mr Patterson has over 20 years of martial arts experience as well has having earned a MS in Psychology.