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Martial Arts

Training Hard for the Respectable Work Ethic

The old adage that “hard work never killed anybody” remains a fact today. Just like seeds need to be planted early in order to enjoy a timely harvest, children need to be taught the value of hard work very early on in life. Children today are constantly exposed to messages about doing things the easy way. Everything around them is nothing but a “get rich quick scheme.” With these sorts of ideas common in society, it has become more necessary than ever to introduce the benefits of hard work to the next generation.

Simple steps to make your kids work

  • It cannot be stressed enough that model behavior is one of the most effective methods for good child development. If you want your children to work hard, you need to show them how to work hard. Don’t whine and complain about your job when your children are around. Instead, tell them why you work hard and what benefits you get in return. Give them examples from your work life that show the benefits of hard work. Tell them how and why you got that extra bonus in your paycheck.
  • Stop complimenting your children for their inherent talents. Applauding them too often can make your children complacent and reluctant to give 100% in their tasks. If they perceive that your praise and appreciation is easy to get, they’ll stop challenging themselves. Praise them for their effort and not just their talent.
  • Teach your children to do their chores. Holding them to their responsibilities will prepare them to accept bigger ones in their adult life.
  • Teach them to learn from their failures and to never give up. Tell them that failures are just minor setbacks that force us to learn and try a different approach to stay on track toward our goals.

Teaching work ethics through karate

Karate is one of the most challenging, fun, and beneficial activities for children. The very philosophy of karate revolves around the concepts of discipline, goal setting, and most importantly, hard work. Karate is a complex art form that takes dedication and sincerity to master. Curricula for each rank and belt level help develop skills and physical and mental health incrementally. In karate, your children will learn to dedicate themselves to achieving their goals through hard work. As your child tries to successfully climb the ranks, he or she will learn to appreciate the values of hard work, focus, and perseverance. Karate will help your child adopt life-changing skills and qualities that they’ve never experienced before.